The Cichlid Club of York
Located in South-Central Pennsylvania
A love for the hobby and the growth of the hobbyist.
We are about more than just cichlids! All aquatic species are welcome!!!

You Found Us!!!
A motley crew of fishy friends. Guys and gals gathering together to share stories, buy / sell / trade fish, play games, and otherwise have fellowship around the aquarium hobby.
Meetings are most often held on the 1st Saturday of each month. There are exceptions so check the "speakers and events" page for a detailed schedule. Most often, our meetings are at the Dover United Church of Christ, 45 West Canal Street, Dover, PA 17315. And as before, dates and locations are subject to change so check our events page for updates.
We hope to see you soon.

WANTED: Everyone
do you take photos?
are you a good organizer?
are you a meeting planner?
do you like cooking? (yes, even a good cook is needed in the club.)
All types of help is needed to keep the club running smoothly. Let us know what skills you have and how you'd like to participate in a greater role.
click the "about us" link and fill out the contact form at the bottom of that page.