The Cichlid Club of York
Located in South-Central Pennsylvania
A love for the hobby and the growth of the hobbyist.
We are about more than just cichlids! All aquatic species are welcome!!!

angelfish fry

angelfish eggs

angelfish fry
Rewards Programs
Breeders Award Program (BAP)
• To promote the reproduction of aquatic animals.
• To recognize the members breeding, raising and sharing the species that they reproduce.
• To promote the availability of rarer species.
• To encourage the reproduction of difficult species and sharing that information with other hobbyists.
• To reproduce C.A.R.E.S. species.
Program Eligibility:
• Open to all paid members of the CCY in good standing. Must be a paid member to submit points. Members whose membership lapses will be ineligible until they reinstate their dues. Points will only be kept for a period of 5 years during any membership lapse.
• Committee members can verify spawns.
BAP Chairperson and Committee:
• The BAP chairperson shall be in charge of receiving BAP forms verifying spawns, applying the proper points and keeping track of the awarded points. Presenting awards in the following year’s meeting.
• The spawn must be in a members own tanks by fish owned by the member.
• Purchasing of fry from others will not be allowed.
• Purchasing eggs and hatching them shall not be allowed. Spawning must occur in members own aquarium.
• If it is found that the member has violated the above two rules, they will be banned from the BAP Program for a one year period. And lose all of their accumulated points.
• Member must fill out a BAP form after the spawning and fry are viable.
• The date of the spawning, the date of the hatching, size tank, taxonomic and common name of the fish Temperature, water conditions (pH. Hardness, etc.), substrate used and % of and frequency of water changes. Were there other fish in the aquarium at time of spawn. Were target or dither fish used.
• Unless specified differently at least six young shall be raised to 45 days from the day of hatching. The fry must be verified by the BAP Chairperson or a member of the BAP committee. Verification can be validated in multiple ways, bring them to a meeting,
in home verification, a picture sent to the BAP chairperson, committee member or via other method (such as facebook), or other way that can be verified .
• Points will be awarded after all steps are completed.
Awarding Points:
• Points are awarded to each species ONE TIME ONLY. No matter what color morph or location. Ex. Red helleri swordtails and green helleri same species one time points.
• The points will be awarded following the CCY master sheet of point levels.
• For point levels 10, 20 & 30. You will receive another 5 points for each species if 6 of the fry are donated to the CCY auction. All proceeds from that auction will become property of the CCY (no split).
• For point Levels 40 & 50. Donating 6 fry from these levels CCY gets 20% of auction price.
• You will receive another five points for each species if you submit an article to the Cichlid Chronicles for publication 150 words minimum.
• The article must be penned by the breeder. Using another article published elsewhere on the same species will be considered plagiarism and member will be banned from the CCY BAP Program for one year and lose all of you accumulated points.
• The breeder can give a brief presentation to the club on the breeding experience for an additional 5 points.
• You will receive another five points for each species that is a C.A.R.E.S. fish.
• There will be awards given for each Family of fishes where member has bred the required number of different species of fish in each Family. They will be referred to as Family Awards. The points for Family Awards will be ongoing, not yearly.
• No special points will be awarded for being the first member to breed a species of fish.
• If the member is a single member the points will be awarded to that member.
• If you have a couple membership points will be awarded to the couple, not each member. Points will not be awarded in the future if one of the couple joins as a single member. Then that member will have to start over.
Family Awards – Ongoing Points Accumulation
• Beginner – Accumulate 70 pts – Certificate awarded.
• Intermediate Breeder – Accumulate 150 pts – Certificate awarded.
• Accomplished Breeder – Accumulate 300 pts – Certificate awarded.
• Advanced Breeder – Accumulate 500 pts – Certificate awarded.
• Master Breeder – Accumulate 1000 pts- Plaque awarded.
• Grand Master Award – Accumulate 1500 pts - Plaque awarded.
• Supreme Master Award – Accumulate 2000 pts – Plaque awarded.
• Fish God/Goddess Award – accumulate 3000 pts – Plaque awarded.
• A plaque will be awarded for any 50 point fish successfully bred and viable offspring raised to 60 days.

Founded in 2004, the CARES (Conservation, Awareness, Recognition and Responsibility, Encouragement and Education, and Support and Sharing) Preservation Program is based on the critical and timely significance of conservation, educating the public and bringing awareness as hobbyists to the issues involved, public recognition of members, our responsibilities as fishkeepers, member encouragement, sharing of fish and data, and support for those who take part in playing a vital role in ensuring a positive future for species at risk.
The purpose of the CARES Preservation Program is to encourage hobbyists worldwide to devote tank space to one or more species at risk and distribute offspring to fellow qualified hobbyists, while forming an information network where possible between aquarists, scientists, and conservationists. The agency website is https://caresforfish.org/
As a CCY club member you can register yourself and your fish so you can be found if and when a need for repopulation arises. You will gain more points for keeping CARES fish than other fish of the same difficulty level so give some a try.

Horticulture Award Program (HAP)
Description: The CCY’s Horticulture Awards Program was adapted to encourage and promote the care,keeping, propagation, and reproduction of aquatic plants making them more readily available while gaining and sharing knowledge and aquatic gardening experiences.Scope: The CCY’s HAP is open to all members in good standing. If a member becomes inactive, their HAPpoints will be placed on hold until they become active again.
1. Promote and encourage care, keeping, propagation and reproduction of aquatic plants.
2. Gain and gather experience and information relating to cultivation, maintenance, propagationand display methods of aquatic plants.
3. Create a database of gained knowledge for the CCY.
4. Increase the availability of quality aquatic plants among CCY members via club meeting auctionsor swaps, including rare or hard to obtain varieties.
Guidelines and Requirements:
1. The photographs of the member’s aquarium should show the progression of the plant(s) overtime. For slower growing plants, photos taken at least 3 months apart may be needed. A fulltank view and a close-up photo are both desirable.
2. For bunch plants and floating plants, doubling of the original amount of plant material of aminimum of 3 stems is needed.
3. For plants with rhizomes that grow above the substrate (ex. Anubias and Microsorum) at least 2inches of new rhizome separated from the parent plant is necessary to receive credit.
4. In the case of plants with rhizomes that grow below the substrate (Ex. Cryptocoryne),production of one self-sustaining separate plant is sufficient.
5. For plants whose small number of leaves grow from a crown and reproduce with “runners” likeVallisneria or chain swords, production and submittal of several plants are needed.
6. Plants produced by adventitious new plants developed on leaves or submerged stems must belarge enough to be judged self-sustaining and identifiable as the same parent plant.
7. Points for flowering of plants may be awarded for either submerged or emersed specimens.
8. For propagation by seed, points will be awarded in addition to points awarded for flowering.
9. Points are awarded for only one reproduction of each species.
10. Seeds must have been propagated from the grower’s own plants.
11. Forms and photos should be submitted to the HAP chairperson through email, or in-person atthe monthly CCY meetings.
12. The aquarist must be a member in good standing (dues paid) of the Cichlid Club of York.
How to Gain Credit:
Submit the attached HAP form and at least one of the following:
a. Two or more time-sequenced photos, spanning a period of at least one or more months.
b. Present the plant for auction at a CCY monthly meeting.
c. Write an article for CCY’s Cichlid Chronicles regarding the maintenance and propagationof the plant being turned in for credit.
d. Do a short presentation at a monthly meeting regarding the maintenance andpropagation of the plant being turned in for credit.
Awards: Certificates will be awarded to recognize your accomplishments at the following levels:Novice Plant Breeder 50 points, any classAquatic Horticulturalist 100 points, max 50 in class AAdvanced Horticulturalist 200 points, at least one in class CExpert Aquatic Horticulturalist 300 points, article written for the Cichlid ChroniclesMaster Aquatic Horticulturalist 400 points, presentation completed at a monthly CCY meetingHorticulturalist of the year – the award for the member in good standing who earned the most points ina calendar year.
Point Classification:*This list is not intended to be exhaustive but merely a guide for classification. Aquarists may suggest classifications for plants not listedbased on difficulty of maintenance / propagation to HAP Chairperson.
CLASS A (VERY EASY) --- 5 POINTS• Anubias barteri var. barteri• Anubias barteri var. nana• Anubias barteri var. nana 'Marble'• Anubias barteri var. nana 'Petite'• Bacopa australis• Ceratophyllum demersum (hornwort)• Cryptocoryne wendtii 'Green Gecko'• Cryptocoryne wendtii 'Mi Oya'• Cryptocoryne wendtii 'Red'• Egeria densa (anacharis, elodea)• Egeria najas• Hydrocotyle leucocephala (penny wort)• Hygrophila sp. 'Tiger'• Lemna minor (duckweed)• Microsorum pteropus (Java Fern)• Microsorum pteropus 'Trident'• Microsorum pteropus 'Tropica'• Microsorum pteropus 'Windelov'• Taxiphyllum barbieri (Java moss)• Utricularia gibba (bladderwort)
CLASS B (EASY) --- 10 POINTS• Alternanthera aquatica• Anubias gracilis• Aponogeton boivinianus• Aponogeton crispus• Azolla caroliniana• Bacopa caroliniana• Bacopa innominata• Bacopa monnieri (moneywort, water hyssop)• Barclaya longifolia• Bolbitis heudelotii• Cardamine lyrata• Ceratopteris pteridoides (water sprite)• Cryptocoryne beckettii 'petchii'• Cryptocoryne cordata var. cordata 'blassii'• Cryptocoryne crispatula var. balansae• Cryptocoryne parva• Cryptocoryne pontederiifolia• Cryptocoryne undulata• Cryptocoryne x willisii 'lucens'• Echinodorus berteroi• Echinodorus cordifolius (radican sword)• Echinodorus major• Echinodorus parviflorus 'Tropica'• Echinodorus uruguayensis• Echinodorus 'Kleiner Bar'• Echinodorus 'Ozelot'• Echinodorus 'Rubin'• Echinodorus x barthii (red melon sword)• Eleocharis acicularis (dwarf hair grass)• Gymnocoronis spilanthoides• Helanthium bolivianum 'Angustifolius'• Helanthium tenellum (pygmy chain sword)• Hemianthus glomeratus (baby tears or pearlgrass)• Heteranthera zosterifolia (stargrass)• Hygrophila balsamica• Hygrophila corymbosa 'angustifolia'• Hygrophila corymbosa 'Siamensis'• Hygrophila corymbosa 'Stricta'• Hygrophila difformis (water wisteria)• Juncus repens• Limnobium laevigatum (frogbit)• Lindernia grandiflora• Lobelia cardinalis• Lobelia cardinalis 'Small Form'• Ludwigia arcuata• Ludwigia brevipes• Ludwigia palustris• Ludwigia repens• Ludwigia repens x L. arcuata• Ludwigia sedoides• Ludwigia sp. 'Rubin'• Ludwigia x lacustris• Lysimachia nummularia 'Aurea' (Creeping Jenny)• Marsilea spp.• Microsorum pteropus 'Philippine'• Monosolenium tenerum• Myriophyllum mattogrossense• Myriophyllum propinquum• Nymphaea lotus 'Red'• Nymphaea micrantha• Oldenlandia salzmannii• Persicaria sp. 'Kawagoeanum'• Phyllanthus fluitans• Potamogeton crispus• Potamogeton gayi• Potamogeton perfoliatus• Riccardia chamedryfolia• Riccia fluitans (Crystalwort)• Riccia sp. 'Dwarf'• Ricciocarpus natans• Rotala rotundifolia• Rotala sp. 'Colorata'• Rotala sp. 'Green'• Sagittaria subulata• Salvinia minima• Taxiphyllum alternans• Vesicularia ferriei• Vesicularia montagnei
CLASS C (MODERATE) --- 15 POINTS• Aciotis acuminifolia• Acmella repens• Alternanthera reineckii 'lilacina'• Alternanthera reineckii 'rosaefolia'• Ammannia capitellata• Ammannia gracilis• Bacopa lanigera• Bacopa madagascariensis• Bacopa salzmannii• Bacopa serpyllifolia• Bacopa sp. 'Colorata'• Blyxa aubertii• Blyxa japonica• Cabomba caroliniana• Cabomba caroliniana 'Silver-Green'• Cabomba palaeformis• Callitriche terrestris• Clinopodium brownei• Crinum calamistratum• Cyperus helferi• Didiplis diandra• Diodia virginiana• Diodia cf. kuntzei• Eichhornia diversifolia• Elatine triandra• Eriocaulon cinereum• Glossostigma elatinoides• Hemianthus callitrichoides (dwarf baby tears)• Hottonia palustris• Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides• Hydrocotyle verticillata• Hydrotriche hottoniiflora• Hygrophila lancea• Hygrophila odora• Hygrophila sp. 'Araguaia'• Hygrophila sp. 'Bold'• Hygrophila sp. 'Red'• Hyptis lorentziana• Lilaeopsis brasiliensis• Limnophila aromatica• Limnophila repens• Limnophila sp. 'Broad'• Limnophila sp. 'Gigantea'• Limnophila sp. 'Guinea Broad-Leaf'• Limnophila sp. 'Sulawesi'• Lindernia dubia• Lindernia rotundifolia 'Variegated.'• Lindernia sp. 'India'• Ludwigia glandulosa• Ludwigia inclinata var verticillata 'Araguaia'• Ludwigia inclinata var. verticillata 'Cuba'• Ludwigia ovalis• Ludwigia sphaerocarpa• Mayaca fluviatilis• Micranthemum umbrosum ( giant baby tears)• Murdannia keisak• Murdannia sp. 'Red'• Myriophyllum aquaticum (Brazilian milfoil)• Penthorum sedoides• Persicaria hydropiperoides• Persicaria praetermissa• Persicaria sp. 'acre'• Persicaria sp. 'Porto Velho'• Persicaria sp. 'Sao Paulo'• Poaceae sp. 'Purple Bamboo'• Pogostemon erectus• Pogostemon helferi• Pogostemon stellatus 'Broad Leaf'• Pogostemon yatabeanus• Potamogeton dentatus• Proserpinaca palustris from Cuba• Ranunculus inundatus• Rotala indica• Rotala macrandra 'Green'• Rotala macrandra 'Green Narrow Leaf'• Rotala macrandra 'Mini Type 2'• Rotala macrandra 'Narrow Leaf'• Rotala mexicana 'Araguaia'• Rotala mexicana 'Goias'• Rotala ramosior• Rotala wallichii• Rotala sp. 'Nanjenshan'• Rotala sp. 'Sunset'• Rotala sp. 'Vietnam'• Saururus cernuus• Saururus chinensis• Sphaerocaryum malaccense• Staurogyne stolonifera• Staurogyne sp. 'Bihar'• Staurogyne sp. 'Low Grow'• Staurogyne sp. 'Porto Velho'• 'Type 2'• Utricularia graminifolia
CLASS D (DIFFICULT)--- 20 POINTS• Ammannia Crassicaulis• Ammannia latifolia• Ammannia pedicellata• Aponogeton madagascariensis (M. lace plant)• Blyxa alternifolia• Cabomba furcata• Cuphea anagalloidea• Eleocharis fluctuans• Eriocaulon setaceum• Eriocaulon sp. from Goias• Ludwigia inclinata• Ludwigia inclinata var. verticillata 'Pantanal'• Ludwigia senegalensis• Myriophyllum tuberculatum• Pogostemon stellatus• Rotala macrandra• Rotala macrandra 'Variegated.'• Syngonanthus sp. 'Belem'• Syngonanthus sp. 'Manaus'• Tonina fluviatilis
CLASS E (VERY DIFFICULT) --- 25 POINTS• Ammannia praetermissa• Eriocaulon sp. 'Mato Grosso'
CLASS F --- SPECIAL, 25 POINTS• Flowering of any plant (one per species allowable)• Propagation of any plant from seeds produced by an aquarist’s plant (one per species allowable)
But as for you, be fruitful and multiply Genesis 9:7
That's it in a nutshell. Multiplication.
These programs are all about breeding fish BAP, propogating plants HAP, and the special class of breeding fish "CARES" is all about breeding fish that have been placed on a special status (ie. endangered)
Select each tab above for information specific to the category.
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