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The Cichlid Club of York's By Laws

October 7, 2023

In order that friendship shall prevail, that the spirit of helpfulness be prolonged, that harmony be preserved and practiced, and that we may have a reliable guide in the administration of our Club, we, the members of the Cichlid Club of York, Inc., do ordain and establish these Bylaws by vote of the General Membership on October 7th, 2023..
Article 1
1.1 Name
The name of this club shall be the Cichlid Club of York (and hereafter referred to as the CCY).
1.2 Object
The purpose of the CCY shall be to the mutual exchange of facts and experiences used in educating and instructing all of those persons seeking knowledge in the art of raising, breeding, the conservation and propagation of aquatic species kept by the hobbyist in the home aquaria. The CCY will endeavor to further the above purpose by providing:
● Educational programs including lectures, films, exhibits, demonstrations, panel discussions, field trips, etc.
● A common meeting place for hobbyists to exchange information and to foster fellowship among members.
● Original and other educational articles on aquatic life, its maintenance and breeding on a regular basis through a CCY journal and through social media.
● Provide a means for the purchase, sale and exchange of aquatic life by the members.
● Provide and facilitate public exhibitions and shows.
1.3 Structure
The CCY is organized exclusively for pleasure, recreation, and other non-profitable purposes within the meaning of section 501(c) (7) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service’s code. The CCY shall be a non-profit educational organization, and as such it is the intent that no member shall receive assets of the CCY or any remuneration for their part in the normal operation of the CCY. This club shall be non-political and non-sectarian in all of its relationships.
1.4 Charter
The CCY shall maintain a charter in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as a Pennsylvania Nonprofit Corporation.
Article 2
2.1 Membership
All persons interested in the keeping of aquatic species are to be eligible for membership subject to the approval of the Executive Board and Membership Chairperson (or appointed board member). No person shall be denied membership because of race, color, religion, national origin, physical or mental handicap, age, sex, sexual preference, ancestry, or medical condition. Applicants must be willing to abide by the By-Laws, and must maintain an interest in the activities of the CCY.
2.2 Membership Application
All prospective members must submit a written application accompanied by membership dues. Said application may be approved or rejected by the Executive Board or Board of Directors. If rejected, the membership chairperson (or chosen board member) shall provide an explanation and a full refund will be made. The membership chairperson shall provide a copy of the roster of club members to the club Secretary and President by each month’s meeting. Memberships are rolling and begin on January 1st and expire December 31st. Dues may be prorated at the discretion of the Executive Board.
2.3 Dues
The CCY shall charge an annual membership fee to finance the various expenses it incurs throughout the year. Any changes in dues will be decided by the Executive Board and announced at the September meeting. The dollar amount of the dues for the current fiscal year will be published in the club journal ”Cichlid Chronicles”.
2.4 Types of Membership
The Board of Directors has the final approval on classification of membership.
2.4.1 Individual Membership: Any individual person over the age of 18
2.4.2 Couples Membership: Any 2 individual people, in the same household, over the age of 18 that want to share their membership together.
2.4.3 Family Membership: Consists of parent or parents plus any children under the age of eighteen (18) all residing in the same household..
2.4.4 Junior Membership: Any individual under the age of eighteen (18). Junior members must have a parent or guardian’s signature on application.
2.4.5 Honorary and/or Life Membership: Life Membership is automatically awarded to a member achieving the appropriate level of achievement defined in any CCY adopted programs. Can be awarded at the discretion of the Executive Board.
2.5 Reinstatement
In the event any member drops out or is expelled from the CCY for a period of one year or more and wishes to rejoin, they may reapply for membership in the club. At the discretion of the Executive Board or Board of Directors, full former membership rights and privileges may be reinstated. No cancellations or refund of dues shall be paid if a member resigns before the close of his membership year.
2.6 Non-Payment of Dues
Non-payment of dues by a member shall be considered equivalent to a resignation. The name will be dropped from the membership rolls, unless extenuating circumstances are given or known.
2.7 Membership Benefits
2.7.1 Voting: Eligibility to vote is limited to paid members in good standing. All voting is decided by simple majority except where specifically noted in the By- Laws. The responsibility of conducting the balloting rests with the Secretary. The Secretary may appoint assistants. The ballots must be retained by the secretary for sixty (60) days, after which time the votes may no longer be challenged.
2.7.2 “Cichlid Chronicles”: Every member in good standing will receive every issue of the CCY newsletter (Cichlid Chronicles) published during the time of their membership.
2.7.3 Access to any Members Only section of the CCY Website
2.7.4 Any special club discounts offered by Stores, Suppliers and other Club Sponsors
2.7.5 Any and all benefits achieved through affiliations approved and entered into by the CCY Executive Board or Board of Directors with any National and International organizations.
Article 3
3.1 Discipline of members
3.1 Every member of the CCY shall be subject to the rules of these bylaws upon acceptance into the CCY. Any member who performs an act or acts which are contrary to the spirit, aims or intent of these bylaws such as but not limited to any type of discrimination and/or slander by any member of the CCY will not be tolerated including but not limited to, age, sex, race, mental ability, disability or handicap, religion, sexual
preference, personal preference etc. In addition, inappropriate comments or discussions at CCY meetings, on CCY web page(s), CCY social media pages or at any time a member is representing the CCY or at any CCY event will not be tolerated and shall:
3.1.1 Have the accusation presented to any member of the board of directors in written form for an impartial investigation; The Executive Board or Board of Directors shall act within three (3) consecutive Board meetings to try and resolve the complaint by responding to the accused and defendant.
3.1.2 Both the defendant member and complainant member shall be notified within 2 weeks of the board meeting to be present in person or electronically to discuss both sides of the accusation and present evidence.
3.1.3 Failure of either member to show up at the designated board meeting without prior notice presented to the board shall constitute an automatic vote of confidence or dismissal of the matter in question.
3.2 Upon a majority vote of the Executive Board or Board of Directors, the member shall either be:
3.2.1 Censured ~ official oral reprimand demanding the act or acts not be repeated.
3.2.2 Acquitted ~ all charges dropped.
3.2.3 Expelled from the Club on a majority vote of the board present.
3.2.4 On a third offense ~ (official reprimand) If censured three times within one year, he or she shall be automatically expelled from the Club for conduct detrimental to the best interests of the Club.
3.3 Any dues left shall not be reimbursed.
3.4 The person or persons expelled shall not be allowed to attend any club functions or events for a period of 1 year. After one year from the date of being expelled the expelled person shall be eligible to reapply for membership. The applicant must apply in writing to the Executive Board, Board of Directors, or Chairperson, prior to a regular board meeting for reinstatement in the Cichlid Club of York, Inc.
3.5 Any elected or appointed member of the board may be removed by the board with cause (see discipline of members sections 3.1 through 3.4). In the event of the death, resignation or removal of a board member, the president at his discretion may propose a successor to be voted upon by the board to fill the unexpired term.
3.6 A Board member, Director, Chairperson, may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Board, the President or the secretary of the CCY. Unless otherwise specified in the notice the resignation shall take effect upon receipt thereof by the Executive Board and the acceptance of the resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective.
.Article 4
4.1 Officers
There shall be the following officers elected annually: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary and Member at Large.
4.2 Qualifications of Officers
Any candidate for office must be a member in good standing, and upon approval of the current sitting board, may be considered for an elected position. candidates must be eighteen (18) years of age or older. Any candidate for President or Vice-President must be a paid member for a minimum period of 12 months
4.3 Election of Officers
Candidates for each office shall be nominated at the regular meeting in October. Nominations from the floor will be taken before voting at the regular meeting in December. Candidates must have given their permission to run, verbally or in writing. Officers shall be elected by ballot and installed at the regular January meeting.
4.4 Duties of Officers
4.4.1 President
A. The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer, and shall preside at all general meetings, Executive Board meetings, and Board of Directors meetings at which he is present, shall exercise general supervision over the affairs and activities of CCY.
B. In addition, the President appoints all committee chairpersons, subject to the approval of the Executive Board.
C. Shall serve as a member ex-officio on all committees except the nominating committee
The President shall also serve in any other capacity as required elsewhere in the By Laws.
4.4.2 Vice-President
The Vice President shall have the primary responsibility to preside in the absence of the President and perform all the duties of the President in the President’s absence.
4.4.3 Treasurer
A. The Treasurer shall keep a record of all financial transactions in a manner approved by the Board and in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, shall be responsible for the collection of all monies due the origination; shall keep a record of all requests and authorizations for payment; shall make payments from the general treasury; shall keep charge of the CCY bank account, shall give a financial report and have the annual report published in the CCY newsletter.
B. All records should be audited annually or at the Executive Board discretion and kept a minimum of three (3) years.
4.4.4 Secretary
A. The Secretary shall keep an accurate and permanent record of the minutes of general meetings as needed and all executive board meetings. These minutes shall be available at each meeting for review by the members. The secretary shall be a recipient of the monthly roster of club members.
B. The secretary shall be responsible for recording and directing the counting of ballots for any and all voting measures and elections.
C. The Secretary shall give notice for and attend all meetings of the executive board and all meetings of the members, will act as clerk thereof. And have the authority to clarify any records, or copies of records as the official records of the CCY.
4.4.5 Member at Large
A. The Member at Large shall maintain order at all meetings. They shall notify the President and another member of the Executive Board of any nefarious activity during the meeting to discuss action to be taken. If a meeting becomes unruly he or she shall restore order and return control of the meeting to the President. He or she shall be responsible for the good order, before, during and after the meeting.
B. He or she shall be chairperson of the household committee and shall be responsible for setup, breakdown and clean-up after all meetings.
C. He or she shall strive to be among the first at the meeting hall and shall draw up a list of members who shall assist him or her to maintain order, set-up, breakdown and cleanup after every meeting.
D. He or she shall be responsible for the correct and orderly maintenance of the CCY’s closet and property
E. Chairperson shall be responsible for placing and retrieving all directional signs to the meeting place.
F. An accurate inventory of all physical assets (except club funds) and their location will be kept in by the Member at Large. One copy to be retained with the Treasurer's records and one to be retained with the Member at Large. This inventory will be reviewed at least once annually at the January Executive Board meeting and verified. It shall be the duty of the current President to delegate the locations of these properties with the approval of the Executive Board or Board of Directors
4.4.6 Vacancy of an Elected Office
A. In the event of a vacancy of any elected office for any reason, the Executive Board, Board of Directors, or election chairperson shall initiate the process to appoint a successor to serve the unexpired term within thirty (30) days of the vacancy.
B. The Office of President to be filled in the event of vacancy defined by Article 4.4.2.
4.4.7 Board Voting Regulations
In order for a Board member to vote on any issue he/she must be present at the time the vote is taken. No member may hold more than one position on the Board of Directors.
Article 5
5.1 Executive Board
The Executive Board shall consist of the duly elected officers as defined in Article 4.1 and the last active Past President if they so choose.
5.2 Board of Directors
The Board of Directors shall consist of the Executive Board as defined in Article 5.1 and appointed Chairpersons as defined in the club By-Laws.
Article 6
6.1 Chairpersons
The President, with the approval of the Executive Board shall appoint committee chairpersons from the general membership. Chairpersons are responsible for reporting on activities of their reporting committees at each meeting of the Board of Directors or as requested by a member of the Executive Board. Other committees may be formed as deemed necessary and will report to a Chairperson based on the function of that committee.
6.2 Special Committees
The president shall establish or dissolve such special committees, with the advice and consent of the Board of Directors, as from time to time may be required, to sustain the functions of the club.
6.3 CCY Committee Chairs (examples of)
A) C.A.R.E.S. Chair
B) Breeders Award Program Chair
C) Membership Chair
D) Auction Chair
E) Newsletter Chair
F) Events Chair
G) Media, Promotion, Advertising and Sponsors
H) Raffles & Contests
I) Hospitality
Article 7
7.1 Meetings
The regular meeting of the general membership shall be held once a month as scheduled by the Executive Board, at a time and place designated by the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall meet at their discretion. The Board of Directors shall meet as necessary.
7.1.2 Business Meeting Agenda
All Business meetings of the club should attempt to cover these agenda items in no particular order:
· Call the meeting to order.
· Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting, unless published.
· Reading of the Treasurer’s report.
· Program.
· Old & New business.
· Any other club functions.
· Adjournment
7.1.3 Quorum
One fourth (1/4) of the membership, with a minimum of ten (10) shall constitute a quorum at the regular meetings of the club requiring a vote. At Executive Board meetings a simple majority of the Executive Board of the CCY shall constitute a quorum. At Board of Directors meetings a simple majority of the Board of Directors as defined by the CCY By-Laws shall constitute a quorum.
7.1.4 Publication
The CCY shall have the authority to publish a journal which shall be known as “Cichlid Chronicles”. It shall be distributed to all CCY members, exchange clubs, and non-member donors.
7.1.5 Logo
The CCY Executive Board shall have the authority to establish a club logo.
Article 8
8.1 Signing Officials
8.1.1 The only CCY members authorized to use their signature for CCY business are as follows: President and Treasurer
8.1.2 Checks drawn upon the funds of the CCY shall require the signature of the Treasurer.
8.1.3 Checks up to $250.00 may be signed by treasure alone.
8.1.4 Checks over $250.00 will have to be signed by the Treasurer and the President.
8.1.5 Any disbursement over $250.00 must be approved by the Executive Committee before being paid out.
8.1.6 Any document committing the CCY to a plan of action requires two (2) signatures, a member of the CCY with temporary authorization of the Board of Directors and the President.
8.1.7 No checks to cash or blank checks shall be issued by the treasurer or any co-signers.
8.1.8 Signing CCY members shall not be related by marriage, blood or cohabitation
Article 9
9.1 Affiliations
The Cichlid Club of York may enter into any affiliation with approval of the Board of Directors
9.2 Amendments
Proposed amendments to the By-Laws will be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors. The board will investigate and make their recommendations at the next general meeting. Voting will proceed at said meeting with a simple majority of eligible members present and voting required for passage.
9.3 Dissolution
Should the club be dissolved, all net assets shall be transferred to an aquatic hobbyist organization or non-profit educational/scientific organization which then qualifies as being tax exempt under section 501 (c)(7), or its successor, of the Internal Revenue Service code. The chosen organization(s) should have a similar mission objective as the CCY. Such an organization may be any similar aquarium association and may include, but not be limited to the Capital Cichlid Association, Bucks County Aquarium Society, Aquarium Club of Lancaster County, American Killifish Association, American Cichlid Association, American Livebearer Association or North American Native Fish Association.

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