The Cichlid Club of York
Located in South-Central Pennsylvania
A love for the hobby and the growth of the hobbyist.
We are about more than just cichlids! All aquatic species are welcome!!!

Mo Devlin To Judge The Cichlid Club Of York PA First Photo Contest!!!!!!!!!!!
For our first contest The Cichlid Club of York PA invites you to submit pictures of your amazing cichlids here on this page! Not only will we all get to enjoy each others photos, but one lucky member will win a trophy and 50.00 to "either" Petco, Petsmart, Cichlidsarespecial or That Fish Place!! Not bad for our first contest!! But The Cichlid of York PA doesn't stop there.... No!- How about the cichlid guru of photography himself "Mo Devlin" will be our judge!!!!. That alone takes this contest to an all new level. Please post your best photos of your favorite cichlid now! Contest ends on Dec 24th 2012 and a winner will be announced on January 1st 2013! So please read our rules below and get started!! Thanks for your support and welcome to the beginning of a fun time at The Cichlid Club of York PA.
Rules of the contest:
1. You must be a member of the Cichlid Club of York PA (simply go to our "Members" page and join)
2. To enter your photos go to the top of the page and select "Photo Gallery". There you can create your own album and upload the images you would like to be judged for this contest. Do not upload more than 5 images please. After this contest ending Dec 24th 2012, you can upload more images in your album.
3. Photos must be max 800 x 600 and min 640 x 480
4. Must be recent photos of cichlids/tropical fish you currently maintain
5. No photoshop work or altering of photos except cropping our adjusting size. Come on guys lets see how your cichlids really look without the help of technology.
6. No copyright infringement, copy and pasting or stealing of others material
7. Please be respectful to everyones photos. If you think somone hasn't followed the rules correctly, please contact me privately. Don't comment about it on this thread.
8. The Cichlid Club of York PA retains the right to use any photos submitted in this contest for promotional purposes but not for profit or personal use.
9. We would like the grand prize winner to be present at the Cichlid Club of York monthly meeting, however we will make exceptions due to distance of drive
10. Good Luck and Have Fun!!!!